Young Workers Toolkit: a comprehensive toolkit for young workers, their parents, educators, and employers. Includes federal rights for workers, types of jobs for youth, Internships, and more.
Young Adults
WorkSource Rogue Valley is excited to offer young adult services through Southern Oregon Youth Works.
Southern Oregon Youth Works offers year-round employment preparation and exploration opportunities for youth in Jackson and Josephine counties age 16 to 24. Their Career Coaches assist youth in reaching education, career, and life goals. Please click here to let us know you are interested.
- Are you a young person who wants to complete your diploma or GED but doesn’t know where to start?
- Want to get a job but don’t know how or where to look?
- Need training for the job you want but not sure how to pay for it?
- Want to get a better job or start a career?
- Unsure what you want to be when you “grow up”?
If you answered YES – Southern Oregon Youth Works can help you discover:
- WHO: Who can help you achieve your goals?
- WHAT: What are your strengths and career interests?
- WHERE: Where can you get the training you need?
- WHEN: How do I align my goals for success?
- HOW: How can we help make your dreams a reality?
Southern Oregon Youth Works provides a variety of services including:
- Individualized Coaching
- Job Search Assistance and Networking
- GED and Diploma preparation and testing opportunities
- Career Exploration and Training including:
- Paid Work Experience in a variety of industries
- Internship Placements
- Scholarships for Short-Term Occupational Training
- On-the-job training opportunities for youth ages 16-24
- Supportive Services to remove educational and work barriers
- Referral and networking with local partners
To refer yourself or a youth, click here.
To request more information please call or email:
Bethany Osborn
Youth Program Manager
Southern Oregon Youth Works